Acttention is a location and situation based learning game, developed in collaboration between the Danish Military Defence, experience design experts Bunker43, and Aalborg University.
By combining learning and persuasive design, Acttention intends to educate drafted recruits in the Danish army in climate and energy related topics such as waste management. Environmental education is a high priority within the Danish Military Defence. Not only is sustainability a priority on both a national and European level, but the recruits who do not continue their military education move on to become valuable members of society. With Acttention, the Danish army aims to influence behaviour both within and beyond the military barracks.
Acttention is developed as part of Project Green Establishments, a high scale research and development project focusing on optimizing the use of sustainable energy within the Danish army.
Results from the first iterations of Acttention testing indicates great potential in applying persuasive learning games as part of military training. Particularly with relation to topics that are important to the community of practice within the army, but not necessarily a primary focus in a military education.
Acttention is a physically challenging and entertaining way to learn about environmental issues, which is easily implemented into other activities such as physical training.
Results from iteration 1
71% of the drafted recruits completed the game with more than 73% correct answers.
78% found that the course material was relevant.
For more game specific details, please contact Bunker43 here.
© AcTTENTION • Bunker43 IVS, Rantzausgade 41, DK-9000 Aalborg
+45 22460885
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